Friday, 12 August 2011

life,death,love and skate in North London

Time flies REEEEEAlly fast when your not rolling. who would have thought it was 2 whole years ago since me and Helen first painted these infamous skulls on the 3 Amigos skate shop on Camden Rd.
2 years of tourists taking photos of the mono-chrome shop front, and of me forgetting to go skating more and more frequently, and then WOW suddenly Petes beard has grown,we're back kneeling on Camden pavements in the August wind/rain/sun, local tourist attraction Amy Winehouse has died of an overdose, and I actually manage to get back on board in time to join my dearest lovenskate boys in the Clissold Bowl.

Now the shop looks like this. and there is a fire starting in my heart.. again.

Here is our little amigo Joe getting stuck in too!