Saturday, 24 September 2011

reflective times in sw7

City VS country is the theme these days, I'm dividing my time between the 2. Gazing through bus windows along the A303 is giving me plenty of time to ponder on which environment is simply better for a girl like me. THEN i realise i dont have to decide, and i find myself in Vauxhall where young children, dogs, pretty flowers, community and craft life exist despite the urban surroundings.
Heres' a garden corner i painted as the seasons turned. I learnt to use mortar, fell in love with raspberry coloured paint, battled with rain, broken mirrors and crumbly old walls! and I thank the Brookes for giving me the challenge.

This is the mock design i worked from using images from THIS incredible flower website
I also found time to skate around Stockwell, eat sushi in Soho and see the sun rise on a stupid night out on Brick lane. now THATS the city life i miss!!!