Friday, 22 November 2013

Painting smaller. India series

 Since returning from India and gaining a space to paint in, i have been concentrating on lots of small painstaking details in glorious gold and purple paints on 1m x 1m scale.  I think it has something to do with a place in my mind where deep spiritual meanings clash with shallow pretty aesthetics. A clash which, to me, resonates through much of modern culture and has been particularly evident in the mix of Eastern/Western philosophies used to drive the industry built by Bikram Chowdry. The titles of these paintings are based on quotes from his beginners yoga class.

L-R  "open and expand your heart(peacock)"
"Bengal Tiger strength"
"Like a flower petal blooming (snake)"

Hanging on the walls of the Mad Hatter Cafe 29 Nov to 13th Dec 2013
8 Montpelier Rd, City Centre, Brighton BN1 3BA

Bikram in the Lanes Yoga studio 15th DEc to 15th March 2014